NODES 2020 : Using Cypher to Extend a Graph-Based Documentation
At NODES2020, I’ve presented about graphs for humans : how to manually build a graph structured documentation with TheBrain Technologies, and why this graph writing is so useful.
Also how cypher (Neo4j *) can be used to automatically extract tables or hierarchies needed for specific contexts of use of this documentation.
Along the way, I’ve exposed some ideas about Information Design, the way I see it, that is including all that concerns representation of information but also structuring and the way they are interrelated.
Neo4j for newbies
Introduction videos
Intro to Graph Databases Series (playlist)
Dive right in
Getting started with neo4j in 10 minutes (Excell)
Neo4j sandbox (try it out without installing anything)
In depth learning
Graph academy (free online training)
Getting (seriously) started
Cypher manual (beware of differences if you use 3.5 DB
APOC : essential plugin, in particular for data import